Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Is Al Gore really Blofeld?

I got an interesting email from a friend of mine we'll call Kurt Foster:


This Blog you have created is great. I’ve enjoyed the posts so far and after reading about the dire straights Canada may be in I have to wonder if there is any relationship to Japans efforts to cut global warming by shortening the length of their professional baseball games (see link above). By cutting the length of play by 6 percent they figure they can reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by 209 tonnes over 864 games, whatever that means (I’m in construction too). This is a result of their enlistment and participation in the Kyoto Protocol. Now I don’t know much about the Kyoto Protocol but what is the relationship with the recent climate change not just in Canada but in most of North America? What is the actual agenda of the Kyoto Protocol? Kyoto Protocol/SPECTOR? Is Al Gore really Blofeld? There may be a more sinister motive lurking beneath the surface.

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