Tuesday, January 20, 2009

On the Brink of Climatic Disaster: the Coming Ice Age

A nice article from our friends at the John Birch Society. It seems as if more and more articles are surfacing citing the numerous scientists not falling for the AGW theories of algore. It wasn't until recently that I even knew what AGW meant...al gore wackos.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Is anyone starting to see a cold trend here?

I guess they had to cancel the dog sled race in Minnesota. Here's the link. THERE WAS TOO MUCH SNOW and it was too fluffy to make a trail. It's too fluffy because it's too darn cold. Somebody check...did algore just visit there?

Monday, January 5, 2009

How Al Gore Saved Christmas

Very funny story on algore's trip to Toronto resulted in the most snow since the mid 1,800's by Steve McIntyre of climateaudit.org

Great essay on the global scam

This is a great article from the Huffington Post (can you believe it?) I think a read of this should give plenty of ammo to fire at the mongers.

Frozen busses won't start

So the cold Christmas break left 5o busses unable to start for the first day of school in SAN DIEGO. Yet another thing the mongers will have to wiggle out of.


Then and now...THE ICE CAME BACK

Does anyone remember the sea ice melting and the poor drowning polar bear? Here's a link: http://www.latimes.com/news/science/environment/la-me-polar15-2008may15,0,1220040.story

Or how about the shipping lanes being open by the end of the century?? http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/02/0225_050225_arctic_landrush.html

Well now he's freezing his frosty butt off again: Sea Ice Ends Year at Same Level as 1979

This poses some very serious problems for the warming mongers. How do you convince people we're warming due to our bad habits but the second the sun slows it's activity the ice freezes at the fastest rate ever recorded. Better get ready for a cold year.