Monday, December 22, 2008

Just a garden variety rant

If you talk to the global warming crowd they will all remember that July in 2006; I believe it was July 16th or so where the temperature rose to astronomical highs. It was 105.3 in my backyard by San Diego State University. I found a link to noaa for July 15th but no records for July 16th. I don't know why they have disappeared from their site as those temperatures should have helped the global warming mongers.
Now my point...They all remember that day, that anomaly, but will they remember the freeze of January 2007? We came back from a cruise to the Mexican Riviera and it looked like San Diego just stepped out of a big walk in freezer. Numerous plants died from the cold and lots of pipes cracked. This wasn't the anomaly it was the warning of what is to come...and has come. This coming summer (2009) will people remember this 2008-2009 winter and what it has done to the country. The warm cycle has clearly run out and we're entering a cold one. This is normal, get used to it. Things will warm up again as they always have. The sun has been giving us hints for the last year that this was coming (lack of sun spots). It got cool now we got fricken cold. Looks like the earth doesn't have that stupid fever anymore unless they're gonna call this the shivers. Boneheads.
I'm going to go stand by the fire now, I'm cold.

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