Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Got busted.

I've been busy with personal matters for the last couple of months and what a couple of months they've been. These global warming idiots got busted bad and they know it. In Kalifornia the Stupidnator wanted to pass a plethora of bonds and taxes to prop up the economy a year ago. The public shot it down, however, 20% of the people here (all idiots) voted for it. I can assure you that this same 20% will still be hanging on to the global warming myth as truth. Have you ever tried to convince someone that their religion is wrong? It doesn't work because a believer is dedicated to their convictions. These warmers are committed to their religion of de-industrialization of the world and primarily the USA. They will never be convinced, but at least we have the satisfaction of seeing them drop like a pellet filled goose.
We are winning this battle and after little barry's shameless speech tonight we are certain to win even more. We're not the dumb ones and we're not the wrong ones. They are...algormbeciles.

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