Monday, July 26, 2010

Brrrr, it's a cold July

It's been a while since my last post...that's only because my fingers have been too frostbitten to type. This is the coldest July I can remember, however this July does bring back a memory. When I was around 10 or 12 or so I remember a year where the gloom never seemed to go away. That same year we went to the beach and tons and tons of little dead red crabs floated up on shore. We were somewhat grossed out by this mainly due to the sheer volume of them so it really stayed with me. I'm wondering if we'll see a return of that this year? I told my wife at the end of June that June gloom wasn't over and lately I've realized that this year in San Diego is one without a summer. Our garden just won't really get going, there's been no heat but for 4 days last weekend. Let's see what happens.

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