Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The debate isn't over, he's just afraid.,czech-president-klaus-ready-to-debate-gore-on-climate-change.html

The prez of Czechoslovakia wants to debate algore...think it'll happen?

1 comment:

ZZMike said...

"The prez of Czechoslovakia wants to debate algore...think it'll happen?"

HAH!!! Gotcha!!! It isn't "Czechoslovakia"!!!

Sam Nunn

"Well, it turns out that potential veep pick Sam Nunn also referred to Czechoslovakia at today's global-threats summit in Indiana with Obama."

Far as I'm concerned, though, it's a tempest in a piss-pot.

On the other subject, Algore has yet to debate anybody. When you're the High Priest, you don't do debates.