Friday, April 4, 2008


Why is it that the Change people (progressives, liberals, leftists, environmentalist whackos, econuts, etc.) preach relentlessly about how society is continually evolving? They seem to want to change and control everything about tradition, religion, our constitution, society, etc. But the one thing they feel should never change is our environment. It should always be the same temperature, the same wind speed, the same rainfall, the same of everything. Don't they realize that Mother Nature was the original Change candidate? This world started out as a lump of rock and change made it habitable and part of that change (the part that made human civilization what it is today) was the warming that has occurred in the last 10,000 years. If we don't do something to keep it this way we won't be living in mud huts like the econuts want, we'll be living in igloos.

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