Friday, April 11, 2008

Econut definition

I've been throwing this term "econut" around now for several months and have used it often in this blog. I've done my best to come up with a definition for it and after those efforts this is the best I could find on the web: nutroots from Pretty much their definition is that it is a bunch of environmental cooks and loons and they only make passing references to the term econut. We've all heard Limbaugh's term environmental wacko, this would be a similar word.

I went about creating a real Webster style definition, so here goes:

econut (ē'kō-nŭt) n. 1. A non-harvested seed or fruit (with awfully thin skin) that falls to the ground and is consumed by cave dwellers. 2. An insane or eccentric person who is committed (or has been committed) to saving the world via elimination of all human traces, except themselves…because they live in caves…and there’s nothing crazy about that. 3. The main food source for the cannibals of Ted Turner’s apocalyptic vision of global warming.

Econut finally defined! Any suggestions or modifications will be appreciated.

By the way, we're still trying to keep Canada from freezing; I like maple syrup.

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